Everything you think, everything you feel, every action you take, is because of your beliefs and values. You may not be aware of it. You may not be conscious of it. But your values shape your decisions, and your decisions shape your life. If you value money more than happiness, your life might be full of expensive things, but there will be no joy in that experience. 你的所思,所感,所做,都源于你的信仰和价值观。你可能不知道这点,你可能没有意识到这点,但是你的价值观塑造了你的决定,你的决定塑造了你的人生。如果你认为钱比幸福重要,那么你的生活可能会充斥着昂贵的东西,但却没有乐趣。 Your values signal what is important to you. They are emotional states that show you what is important, and what you want to experience. Imagine how different your life would be if you changed a value of money and replaced it with the value of love. Creating and stating your values consciously can change the direction of your life. If you decide to apply any of these values to your life, in your own words, in your own way, your own life will be one of more value! The following, are the 10 most important human values. 你的价值观意味着对你而言什么是重要的。你的价值观是一种情感状态,它们让你知道什么是重要的,你想经历什么。试想,如果你将金钱至上的价值观换成真爱至上的价值观,你的人生会有什么不同?在你的人生中创造、并用自己的话语、自己的方式去阐释你的价值观,那么你自己的人生就会变得更有价值!以下是十种最重要的价值。 Number 1. Health and energy. This might be the most important value of all to some people. It will be the most important value of all to some of those who have experienced serious health problems. Without physical health, it is very unlikely you can experience and enjoy all the other values at their deepest levels. Great health gives you energy and vitality which enables you to dive deeper into the more important things in life, and give more energy and time to those you love. Make the value of health and energy a priority in your life, by learning what daily nutrition and exercise is best to fuel your body. What would it take, for you to be at your physical peak? Learn it. Apply it. 第一,健康和活力。对于有些人来说,这可能是最重要的价值。对于那些曾经遭遇过严重的健康问题的人而言,它是至关重要的。没有身体上的健康,你就不可能充分地体验和享受其他的人生价值。良好的健康状态给你活力和生机,这让你探索生命中更深刻的东西,让你把更多的精力和时间放在你爱的人身上。去了解什么样的营养物质和运动对于身体而言是最好的,从而让健康和精力成为你人生中最重要的价值取向。 Number 2. Love. The overuse of this word makes it easy to misunderstand the true meaning of it. This is not just romantic love, but love of all things. True, non-judgmental love. The love you have for your family, friends. The love you have for your favorite things. The love you have for your passion, and your mission. Making love a priority in your life means there is no room for hate or indifference. You could experience love doing anything or with anyone. You could experience love in yourself, by yourself. How would your life change if you valued love higher? 第二,爱。这个词已经被滥用了,因而我们很容易误解它真正的意义。这不仅仅是浪漫之爱,更是对所有事物的爱。是真挚的,没有区别对待的爱。是你对家人的爱,是你对朋友的爱。是你对你最喜欢的事情的爱。是你对你的热忱、你的使命的爱。让爱成为生命中的优先选择,意味着憎恨和冷漠在你的生命中根本没有容身之地。和任何人做任何事都能让你体验到爱。你能以自己的方式感受到,爱就在你心里。如果你把爱看得更重要,你的生活会发生什么样的变化? Number 3. Gratitude and appreciation There's truly no greater power on earth than gratitude. Real gratitude shuts down all other negative emotions in the moment. So, how important is gratitude to you? Well, how important is it for you to feel good? If it is important, you must make gratitude a top value and practice it as a priority every day. It costs you nothing, but makes you so rich. It takes nothing away from anyone else, but it gives you so much power. How much more magical would your life be, if you lived in a constant state of appreciation for everything that is great in your life? 第三,感恩和感激。在这个世界上,最强大的力量就是感激。真正的感激能让所有消极的情感在顷刻之间烟消云散。那么,感激对于你而言有多重要?它能使你感到愉快吗?如果它能,那么你必须将它视为最重要的价值,每天都去实践,去应用它。它并不需要你付出多少,但却能让你的世界变得丰富。它不会向任何人索取一丝一毫,但却会给予人们巨大的力量。如果你能把对生命中万事万物的感激变成你的生活常态,你的生命会比以前有趣多少? Number 4. Kindness and compassion. The world would certainly be a better place if people showed more kindness and compassion. Less judgement, more respect. It's placing yourself in someone else's shoes before you judge them. Have you ever noticed how good it feels when you are kind to someone for no reason? It feels good to be kind, because it is right to be kind. What would your life be like, what would your world be like if you valued kindness and compassion more? 第四,善良和同情。如果人们能表露出更多的善良和同情,这个世界肯定会变得更好。少些指点,多些尊重。这意味着,在你对他人做出评判之前,要将你自己放在他人的角度换位思考。你有没有注意到,当你无条件地对某个人友好的时候,那种感觉有多棒?善良使我们感到愉悦,因为善良是正确的选择。如果你把善良和同情看得更重要,你的生活和你的世界会变成什么样呢? Number 5. Integrity. Knowing you do the right thing, even when no one is watching, and no one will know either way. The inner knowing you always do what is right. That brings pride and it brings inner peace. When you value integrity you value doing what is right. It is such a powerful value that not only makes a difference in your own life, but also sets a powerful example to all those close to you. It brings honesty and trust. How would your life be different if everyone knew you as a person of integrity? 第五,正直。这意味着就算没有人正在看着你,无论如何都不会有人知道,但你还是会选择做正确的事。这是你的内心对你所做之事的肯定。你会从中得到自信和内心的平静。你重视正直,你就会认为做正确的事是重要的。这是一个非常强大的价值观,它不仅让你的生活发生改变,更让你成为身边的人的好榜样。它会为你带来真诚和信任。如果所有人都知道你是一个正直的人,你的生活会发生什么样的变化? Number 6. Giving. This ties in with kindness and compassion. As humans we are built to give. Not just give money, or things, but give ourselves fully to others in need. To serve, selflessly. Karma always ensures what you give is returned, but that is not why you give. You give because that is your nature. It's not an effort. It is natural. It feels good and you know there is no lack. How differently would you feel if you valued giving higher in your life? 第六,奉献。它和善良、同情是一脉相承的。我们是人类,我们天生热爱奉献。我们不仅奉献金钱、物品,还会尽全力去帮助有需要的人。奉献,无私的奉献。有因就有果,你付出的,总有一天会以某种形式回来,但这并不是你去奉献的原因。这不是一种努力,这是一种天性。奉献让你感到快乐,而且你知道这是源源不断的。如果你把奉献看得更重要,你有什么样的感受? Number 7. Growth. Human beings are wired to grow. Growth comes from experience, from learning, from failures, from achievements, from intention. Intention to get better. This doesn't mean get better so you can "win". It means getting better so you can give more to the world. So you can experience more. Enjoy more. It's about becoming the greatest version of yourself. Not just for yourself, but for others. Setting the example of what is truly possible. Reaching your highest potential with intention. How much better would your life be, when you valued growth higher on your list? 第七,成长。人类总是在成长。成长来自于经历,来自于学习,来自于失败,来自于成就,来自于目标。让自己变得更好的目标。这并不意味着,你变得更好是为了"赢"。这意味着,你变得更好是因为这样你就可以为这个世界奉献更多,这样你就可以有更多的经历。这意味着你要成为最好的自己,不仅是为了自己,更是为了他人。你树立了一个榜样,让他人知道,什么是真正可能实现的事。带着个人目标,去开拓你的潜力。如果你把成长看得更重要,你的生活会变好多少? Number 8. Peace. Ahhhhh peace. Nothing more needs to be said. It's getting to that place of needing nothing. It's being alone, and being in bliss. It's presence. It's reaction-less. It's the silence at the peak of the mountain. How high do you value peace? How much better would your life be if you had more peace in it? 第八,平静。啊,平静。一切尽在不言中。这是到达一个无欲无求的境界。这意味着你享受独处,享受快乐。这意味着体验当下。这意味着心静无为。这是登到山顶后那种内心的平静。你认为内心的平静有多重要?如果你生活中有更多平静,你的生活会是什么样的? Number 9. Family, friendship and connection. It's caring about someone more than you care about yourself. It's putting others first. It's making time for people you care about. It's giving the people you love, and maybe even strangers, your complete presence, and building that connection. It's making someone else's day better just because you were in it. It's bringing your best self to every encounter, so the other person walks away with a smile. How different would your life be, and countless others, if you took this approach? Will you value connection higher on your list? 第九,家人,友情,人际关系。这意味着在乎他人多过在乎你自己。这意味着将他人放在首位。这意味着为你在乎的人留出更多时间。这意味着把专注的陪伴给予你爱的人,甚至可能是陌生人,并且努力去维持这个关系。这意味着他人因为有你的存在而变得更加愉快。这意味着以最好的自己去遇见每一个人,这样那个人就会笑着和你道别。如果你这样做,你的生活会发生什么样的改变?他人的生活会发生什么样的改变?你会不会把人际关系看得更重要呢? Number 10. Happiness. It's joy. It's playfulness. It's Fun. It's Non-Seriousness. It's a state of real happiness. When time stops and you love what you are doing. It's what we all seek. But we do it in so many different ways. Some try to find it through money. But no type of paper is going to bring it to you. Some try to find it through achievements and success, but they come up empty. It's within, and it's a choice. It's always available and never on sale. You decide when you make this a priority and a top value. How different would your life be if you had happiness as your highest value? 第十,幸福。这是愉悦,这是幽默,这是乐趣,这是随性。这是一种真正开心的状态。这是时间静止、行你所乐的感觉。这是我们所有人都追寻的东西。但不同的人有不同的做法。有的人尝试在金钱中寻找幸福。但无论多少钱都不能带来真正的幸福。有的人尝试通过成功找到幸福,但当他们获得这些之后,却发现自己依然空虚。幸福是内心的感受,幸福是一种选择。它无处不在,它是买不到的。什么时候才重视幸福?这是你的决定。如果你将幸福看作最重要的价值,你的生活会有什么不同?
The 10 Most Important Human Values